

《Agile Retrospectives》



Our main focus in this book is short retrospectives—retrospectives that occur after one week to one month of work. Whether you are using Agile methods or more traditional incremental or iterative development, your team has an opportunity to reflect at the end of every increment and identify changes and improvements that will increase the quality of the product and the work life of team members

我昨天的翻译为:敏捷回顾就是short retrospectives,当周期为1个月的工作中,一周过去后,你得在每个迭代结束时回顾并识别出变化和改进,这将改善产品质量和团队的工作氛围。


对比结论:对长句子Whether you are using Agile methods or more traditional incremental or iterative development, your team has an opportunity to reflect at the end of every increment and identify changes and improvements that will increase the quality of the product and the work life of team members”的翻译,难度确实比较大,涉及到转折关系的同义表达,我对这句话翻译和中文版相差还是比较不大,也没中文版译者翻译的流畅,因为我不是英语专业出身,翻译能力刚刚起步,我还有很大提升空间。


(1)Retrospectives are a natural fit in an Agile work environment—Scrum and Crystal explicitly include “inspect and adapt” cycles for the methods and teamwork along with mechanisms to examine and improve the product. While continuous builds, automated unit tests, and frequent demonstrations of working code are all ways to focus attention on the product and allow the team to make adjustments, retrospectives focus attention on how the team does their work and interacts.

(2)Retrospectives are also a natural fit in a team environment—where membership in the team is less than ten and the work is interdependent. Retrospectives help people improve practices, handle issues, and surface obstacles on a regular basis.

(3)Iteration retrospectives focus on real problem that affect teams. During retrospectives, teams discover real solutions that they can implement without waiting for management’s permission. Since experiments and changes are chosen, not imposed from above, people are more invested in their success.



1) 回顾检视会与敏捷工作环境有着完美的结合——为了配合团队合作开发,Scrum和 Crystal在检验和改善产品机制中明确地包含了循环的检查和调试阶段。换句话说,持续的建模、自动的单元测试和频繁的产品代码演示,都是为了把重点放在产品本身上并允许团队随时做出调整。回顾检视会则是重点关注如何使团队更好地协调工作。



对比结论:对第三段的最后一句话,我的翻译和中文版翻译相差太大。“Since experiments and changes are chosen, not imposed from above, people are more invested in their success”翻译成“但是实际情况各不相同,不要生搬硬套,我们应该更关注如何获得成功。”从中文角度,看着还挺顺,但是和英文对比,我个人感觉有点不太理解,尤其是“people are more invested in their success”,我翻译为“大家更愿意投入而(获得)成功”,个人感觉更贴合场景。



1)Set the stage预设会议基调

2)Gather data收集数据

3)Generate Insight激发灵感

4)Decide What to Do决定做什么

5)Close the Retrospective检视会总结结尾。





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